Diversity Equity and Inclusion » Five Year DEI Strategic Plan Table of Contents

Five Year DEI Strategic Plan Table of Contents



Multi-Year Strategic Action Plan

Port Washington Union Free School District

Prepared in the Winter of 2022 in collaboration with Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change (IESC) - New York University



New York University 

Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools 

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development 

726 Broadway, 5th Floor 

New York, New York 10003 



Updated 31 August 2022 


Table of Contents 

Multi-Year Strategic Implementation Plan Introduction

Moral Imperative Statement:3 

Plan Overview

Focus Area: Data Systems4 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support4 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development5 

Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement6 

Year 1 Plan

Focus Area: Data Systems7 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support9 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development12 

Year 2 Plan

Focus Area: Data Systems17 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support19 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development21 

Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement24 

Year 3 Plan

Focus Area: Data Systems26 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support28 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development30 

Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement31 

Year 4 Plan

Focus Area: Data Systems34 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support36 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development38 

Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement39 

Year 5 Plan

Focus Area: Data Systems42 

Focus Area: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support44 

Focus Area: Professional Learning and Development45 

Focus Area: Family and Community Engagement46 



April 2022 
  • Plan presented to BOE and Community 
August 2022 
  • Dates changed throughout the document to reflect Year 1 being the 2022-23 school year. 
  • Document reformatted to include table headers across multiple pages, updated footer