0000-1999 Philosophy & Community Relations
- 1000 Topic Index Page
- 0010 Vision and Mission
- 0100 Equal Opportunity
- 105 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Education
- 0310 Evaluation of School Board Operations Procedures
- 0320 Evaluation of Superintendent
- 0330 Evaluation Philosophy
- 0350 Evaluation of Instruction Programs
- 1000 Community Relations
- 1100 Public Information Program
- 1110 School Sponsored Publications
- 1120 School District Records
- 1120-R Regulations
- 1130 Media Relations
- 1130.1 Board Member Conduct on Social Media
- 1150 School Budget & Bond Referenda Information
- 1200 Community Involvement
- 1200-R Regulations
- 1221 Relations with Community and Parent Organizations
- 1230 - Public Attendance/Comment at Board Meetings
- 1240 Visitors to Schools
- 1240-R Regulations
- 1400 Chain of Communication for Public Complaints
- 1400-R Chain of Communication for Public Complaints
- 1400-E Chain of Communication for Public Complaints
- 1410 Complaints about Policies
- 1420 Complaints about Curricula & Instructional Materials
- 1500 Public Use of District Facilities
- 1500-R Public Use of School Facilities Regulations
- 1510 Public Sale of School Property
- 1511 Advertising in the School
- 1512 Acceptance and Acknowledgement of Commercial Sponsorship of School Activities and Other Private Donations
- 1515 Public Sales by Individuals & Parent Organizations
- 1520 Public Conduct on School Property
- 1530 Smoking, Vaping, and Other Tobacco Use on School Premises
- 1610 Relations with Other Local Government Authorities
- 1800 Donations, Gifts, and Grants to the District
- 1810 Gifts to School Personnel
- 1900 Parent and Family Engagement
- 1900-R Regulations
- 1900E.1 Daly Elementary School
- 1900E.1 Guggenheim Elementary School
- 1900E.1 Manorhaven Elementary School
- 1925 Interpreters for Hearing-Impaired Parents/Guardians
2000-2999 School Board Governance
- 2000 Topic Index Page
- 2110 School Board Powers & Duties
- 2110-E
- 2111 Board Member Authority
- 2120 School Board Elections
- 2120-R School Board Elections Regulations
- 2120-E-1 Election Regulations
- 2120-E-2 Election Regulations
- 2120-E-3 Election Regulations
- 2120-E-4 Election Regulations
- 2120-E-5 Election Regulations
- 2121 Board Member Qualifications
- 2122 Board Member Oath of Office
- 2130 Board Member Resignation
- 2140 Board Member Removal from Office
- 2150 Unexpired Term Fulfillment
- 2160 Board Member Ethics
- 2160.1 School Officers & Employees Ethics
- 2220 Board Officers
- 2170 Board Member Conflict of Interest
- 2240 Board - Superintendent Relationship
- 2250 Ad Hoc Committees
- 2250.1 Board Standing Committees
- 2260 Citizens Advisory Committees
- 2260 E1 Charter of the Citizen's Advisory Committee
- 2260-R Regulations
- 2270 School Attorney
- 2275 Communications with School Attorney
- 2275-R Regulations
- 2280 Consultants to the Board
- 2280.1 Consultant Compensation
- 2300 School Board Meetings
- 2310 Regular Meetings
- 2320 Special Meetings
- 2325 Emergency Meetings
- 2330 Executive Sessions
- 2340 Notice of Meetings
- 2342 Agenda Preparation & Dissemination
- 2351 Quorum
- 2352 Rules of Order
- 2360 Minutes
- 2360-R Regulations
- 2381 News Media Services at Board Meetings
- 2382 Broadcasting and Recording of Board Meetings
- 2410 Policy Development, Adoption, Implementation, and Review
- 2420 Board Adopted Regulations & Administrative Regulations
- 2430 Suspension of Policies
- 2440 Administration in Absence of Policies
- 2510 New Board Member Orientation
- 2520.1 School Board Conferences, Conventions, Workshops
- 2520 Board Member Development Opportunities
- 2530 Membership in School Boards Associations
- 2550 Board Member Compensation and Expenses
- 2600 School Board Legislation Program
3000-3999 Administration
- 3000 Topic Index Page
- 3000 Administrative Goals
- 3100 Superintendent of Schools
- 3110 Qualifications of the Superintendent
- 3130 Superintendent's Contract
- 3205 Administrative Staff Development
- 3230 Administrative Organization and Operation
- 3230- R District Organizational Chart
- 3300 Policy Implementation
- 3310 Development of Regulations
- 3330 Regulations Dissemination
4000-4999 Instruction
- 4000 Topic Index Page
- 4000 Instruction Goals
- 4110 School Calendar
- 4111 School Year
- 4134 Private Tutoring/Commercial Solicitation
- 4200 Curriculum Development
- 4220 Pilot Projects
- 4220-R Regulations
- 4310 Basic Instructional Program
- 4311 Citizenship of Education
- 4311.1 Display of the Flag
- 4311.1-R Regulations
- 4311.2 Character Education
- 4313 Teaching about Religion
- 4315.1 Prevention Instruction
- 4316 Physical Education
- 4321 Programs for Students with Disabilities Under the IDEA and New York's Education Law Article 89
- 4321.1 Allocation of Space for Special Education Programs & Students
- 4321.2 Preschool Special Education
- 4321.2R Regulations
- 4321.3 Maintaining a Census of Pupils with Disabilities
- 4321.4 Appointment & Training of Personnel
- 4321.5 Placement of Students with Disabilities
- 4321.6-N Availability of Alternative Format Instructional Materials for Students with Disabilities
- 4321.6 Independent Evaluations of Public Expense
- 4321.7-N Provision of Testing Accommodations for Districtwide and Statewide Assessments of Students with a Disability
- 4321.7 Individuals with Disabilities Pursuant to Section 504
- 4321.7R Regulations
- 4321.8-N Impartial Hearing Officer Appointment and Compensation.docx
- 4321.8 Pre-Referral Intervention & Strategies
- 4321.8R Regulations
- 4321.9 Least Restrictive Environment
- 4321.9R Regulations
- 4321.10 Provision of IEP to Teachers & Service Providers
- 4321.11-N Public Report on Revisions to District Policies, Practices, and Procedures Upon a Finding of Significant Disproportionality
- 4321.11 Declassification of Students with Disabilities
- 4321.11R Regulations
- 4321.12 Timeout and Physical Restraint (All Students)
- 4322 Programs for the Gifted & Talented
- 4326 Bilingual Education
- 4327-R Regulations
- 4327 Homebound Instruction
- 4331 Summer Schools
- 4334 Advanced College Placement
- 4340 Continuing & Community Education Programs
- 4420 Class Size/Pupil-Teacher Ratio
- 4420-R Regulations
- 4430 Student Schedules & Course Loads
- 4440 Teaching Methods
- 4510.1 Use of Technology
- 4511 Textbook Selection & Adoption
- 4511-AR Administrative Regulations
- 4526 Computer Use in Instruction - Acceptable Use Policy
- 4526-R Regulations
- 4526-R.E1-6 User/Parent Agreements
- 4526.1 Internet Safety Policy
- 4526.1-R Regulations
- 4531 Field Trips & Excursions
- 4531-R Regulations
- 4532 School Volunteers
- 4532-R Regulations
- 4710 Grading
- 4714 Parent Conferences
- 4730 Homework
- 4730-R Regulations
- 4740 Honor Rolls
- 4750-r Regulations
- 4750 Acceleration & Retention of Students
- 4760 Makeup Opportunities
- 4770 Graduation Requirements
- 4773 Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
- 4810 Teaching about Controversial Issues
- 4850 Animal Dissections in the Schools
5000-5999 Students
- 5000 Topic Index Page
- 5020 Equal Educational Opportunities
- 5021 Title IX, Harassment and Sex Discrimination
- 5021-E
- 5025 Prohibition of Harassment
- 5025-R Regulations
- 5030 Child Abuse in Educational Setting & Prohibition of Silent Resignation
- 5100 Student Attendance
- 5105 Education of Students in Foster Care
- 5110 Elementary School Attendance Areas
- 5129 Academic Integrity
- 5133 Dangerous Weapons in the School: Students
- 5133R Students Possessing Firearms Regulations
- 5140 Entrance Age
- 5140-R Regulations
- 5144 Student Discipline Code
- 5144.1 Code of Character, Culture, and Conduct
- 5144.2 Suspension of Students
- 5150 School Admissions
- 5151 Requirements for Admission of Resident Students
- 5152 Admission of Non-Resident Students
- 5152.1 Foreign Exchange Programs
- 5152.1-R Regulations
- 5153 Education of Homeless Children
- 5153-R Regulations
- 5162 Student Release Precautions
- 5162-AR Administrative Regulations
- 5163 Custodial & Non-custodial Parent Rights & Responsibilities
- 5191-9840 HIV/Aids Policy
- 5200 Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Programs
- 5200-R Regulations
- 5220 Student Publications
- 5220-R Regulations
- 5221 Distribution of Literature
- 5252 Student Activities Funds Management
- 5252-R Regulations
- 5270 Intramural Activities
- 5280 Interscholastic Athletics
- 5311 Student Rights & Responsibilities
- 5311.1 Student Dress Code
- 5312.1 Student Alcohol & Substance Abuse
- 5312.1-R Regulations
- 5314 Corporal Punishment
- 5314-R Regulations
- 5320 Student Conduct On School Buses
- 5325 Bicycle Helmet Use
- 5325.AR Administrative Regulations
- 5330 Searches & Interrogations
- 5330-R Regulations
- 5405 Wellness
- 5405-R Regulations
- 5431 Self Esteem Promotion/Suicide Prevention
- 5460 Suspected Child Abuse & Maltreatment
- 5460-R Regulations
- 5500 Student Records
- 5500-R Regulations (5500-E1-4)
- 5500.1 Directory Information
- 5605 Student Voter Pre-Registration and Registration
- 5633 Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathrooms
- 5800 Student Awards & Scholarships
6000-6999 Fiscal
- 6000 Topic Index. Page
- 6000 Fiscal Management Goals
- 6100-R Regulations
- 6100 Annual Budget
- 6105 Fund Balance
- 6106.3 Petty Cash/Petty Cash Accounts
- 6109 Collection for Unpaid Meals
- 6110 Budget Planning
- 6230 Federal Funds
- 6231-R Regulations
- 6231 Funding Sources Outside the School System
- 6240 Investment Policy
- 6400 Depositories of Funds
- 6410 Authorized Signatures
- 6420 Bonded Employees and Officers
- 6420-R Regulations
- 6610 Accounting System
- 6630 Financial Reports & Statements
- 6650 Internal Auditor
- 6660 Independent Auditor
- 6700 Purchasing
- 6700-R Purchasing
- 6700 E-1 Purchasing Policy
- 6700 E-2 Purchasing Exemptions
- 6710 Purchasing Authority
- 6761-R Regulations
- 6761 State & Local Sales Taxes
- 6900 Disposal of District Property
- 6800 Accounting of Fixed Assets
7000-7999 Facilities & Development
8000-8999 Support Services
- 8000 Topic Index Page
- 8115-R Regulations
- 8115 Use of Herbicides and Insecticides
- 8130 Emergency/Disaster Response Plane
- 8130.2 Workplace Violence
- 8131 Epidemic and pandemic Policy
- 8134-R Regulations
- 8134 Emergency Closings
- 8135 Safety & Security
- 8140 Unsafe School Transfer Choice
- 8140 Prohibition of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)
- 8220-R Regulations
- 8220 Use of Environmentally Preferable ("Green") Cleaning Products
- 8330 Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials an Equipment Including Vehicles
- 8332 Use of Cell Phones
- 8334 Use of Credit Cards
- 8414-R Regulations
- 8414.5-R Regulations
- 8414 Transportation
- 8414.5 Alcohol & Drug Testing for Bus Drivers
- 8418 Anti Idling
- 8420-R Regulations
- 8424 Transportation in Cases of Joint Custody
- 8520 Free and Reduced-Price Meal Services
- 8630 Computer Data Control & Management
- 8635-E Parents' Bill of Rights for Student Data Privacy and Security
- 8635-R Regulations
- 8635 Information and Data Privacy, Security, Breach and Notification
- 8800 Energy Management
9000-9999 Personnel
- 9000 Topic Index Page
- 9000 Personnel Policies Goals
- 9010 Equal Employment Opportunity
- 9020.1 Sexual Harassment Prevention
- 9020.1R Regulations
- 9020 Board-Staff Communications
- 9021-R Regulations
- 9021 Staff Complaints
- 9120.1 Conflict of Interest
- 9125 Drug-Free Workplace
- 9125.R Regulations
- 9130 Staff-Student Relations
- 9170 Meals & Refreshments
- 9230-R Regulations Recruitment Procedures for Certified Personnel
- 9230 Professional Staff Recruitment/Hiring
- 9245 Evaluation of Professional Staff
- 9315-R Regulations Recruitment Procedures for Civil Service Personnel
- 9315 Support Staff Recruitment/Hiring
- 9385 Evaluation of Support Staff
- 9400 Fingerprinting
- 9405 Condition Appointment & Emergency Conditional Appointment Student Safety Policy
- 9520 Family & Medical Leave
- 9520R Regulations
- 9520.6 The Right of Employees to Express Breast Milk in the Workplace
- 9530 Smoking on School Premises by Staff
- 9540 AIDS (HIV Infection)
- 9610 Staff Substance Abuse
- 9700 Medicaid Compliance