Emergency School Closing » Emergency School Closing

Emergency School Closing

Information about delayed openings or school closings will be posted on the district website at approximately 6:00 A.M. Please check with individual schools regarding each schools method of notification & bus stop adjustments due to weather concerns.

Delayed Opening Policy

If a delayed opening is declared, the fire department sirens will not sound, and parents should obtain information from the radio, television reports and from ParentSquare automated calls/text/email. Bus schedules will be adjusted accordingly depending on the delay. All morning programs & services are canceled during delayed openings. Students attending non-public schools will be equally affected by a delayed opening decision.

Two Hour Delay


10:45 AM


10:10 AM


10:20 AM


10:20 AM


10:45 AM

South Salem

10:45 AM


10:10 AM


10:05 AM

Occupational Education (AM Classes)


Occupational Education (PM Classes)

Regular Time

Out of District, Special Education, Parochial

Pick up time delayed two hours


The School Closing Siren

When school is officially closed, the fire department will sound its sirens at 6:30 am. The closed school pattern will be five blasts at four seconds each with a two second interval in between for a total of thirty seconds.

Public Announcements

The following stations will carry information about Port Washington school closings and delayed openings: Channel 12 NEWS, NBC/News Channel 4, WABC-TV News Channel 7, WKJY 93.3 FM, WHLI 1100AM. 

ParentSquare Notification

Information relating to emergency school closings will be sent via ParentSquare, the district's automated telephone messaging system. Please contact the main office in your child's school with any changes to home, work or cell phone numbers.