Budget » 2024-25 Overview

2024-25 Overview

Proposition 1- Budget Vote   Grand Total
YES   2,932
NO   1,245
Total Budget Votes   4,177

Proposition 2 - Use of Capital Reserve
YES   3,183
NO   826
Total Prop 2 Votes   4,009

Board of Trustee Election   Total # of Votes
Sandra Alvarez   1,817
Adam Block   1,591
Teodora Choolfaian   434
Nanette Melkonian   1,693
Michael Bitalvo   856
Elizabeth Weisburd   1,070
Adam Smith   2,074
Joseph Delerme   594

Write Ins:
Blank box 16
Siri 1
Alexa 1
Ian Krochelx 1
John Adams 1
Nora Johnson 1
Typo 1
Mike Tretola 3
Jeremy Silberg 1
Matthew Wurst 1
Todd Moskowitz 1
Walter Hinck 1
On the Ballot:


RESOLVED, that the proposed budget of the Port Washington Union Free School District for the school year 2024-2025, in the amount of $194,578,217 as shown in the statement of estimated expenditures adopted by the Board of Education, be and hereby is approved, and that the amount thereof, shall be raised by a tax levy of $161,546,663 upon the taxable property within said School District, which exceeds the statutory tax levy increase limit of 3.39% for the school year 2024-2025, and therefore exceeds the state tax cap and must be approved by sixty percent of the qualified voters present and voting. 



SE RESUELVE, que el presupuesto propuesto del Distrito Escolar Union Free de Port Washington para el año escolar 2024-2025, por la cantidad de $194,578,217 como se muestra en la declaración de gastos estimados adoptada por la Junta de Educación, sea y por la presente se apruebe, y que el monto del mismo se aumente mediante un gravamen fiscal de $161,546,663 sobre la propiedad imponible dentro de dicho Distrito Escolar, que exceda el límite de aumento de impuestos estatutario del 3.39% para el año escolar 2024-2025 y, por lo tanto, exceda el límite de impuestos estatales y debe ser aprobado por el sesenta por ciento de los votantes calificados presentes y votantes.




RESOLVED, that the Port Washington Union Free School District Board of Education be authorized to appropriate and expend $4,055,000 from the school district's pre-established capital reserve fund entitled “Facilities Improvement Program 1 - Port Washington UFSD”, for the anticipated permissible purpose of upgrading and improving District-wide incoming electrical service.



SE RESUELVE, que se autorice a la Junta de Educación de Port Washington Union Free School District a asignar y gastar $4,055,000 del fondo de reserva de capital preestablecido del distrito escolar titulado "Programa de Mejoramiento de Instalaciones 1 - Port Washington UFSD", para el propósito permitido anticipado de actualizar y mejorar el servicio eléctrico entrante en todo el Distrito.

Members of the Board of Education

Vote for Any Three (3)

Three Year Term

Term Starts July 1, 2024 and ends June 30, 2027

Miembros de la Junta de Educación

Votar por cualquiera Three (3)

Término de Tres Años

El mandato inicia el 1 de julio de 2024 y finaliza el 30 de junio de 2027


Sandra Alvarez 
Adam Block 
Teodora Choolfaian
Nanette Melkonian 
Michael Bitalvo
Elizabeth Weisburd
Adam Smith 
Joseph Delerme

Nominating Petitions for Board of Education Candidates

On May 21, 2024, voters in the Port Washington Union Free School District will have the opportunity to elect three (3) individuals to serve a three-year term each on the district’s Board of Education.  Candidates for the Board of Education run at large (the candidates receiving the most votes win).  The term of office will begin July 1, 2024, and end June 30, 2027.


How to get your Name on the Ballot

In order to appear on the ballot in a school board election, a qualified resident must file a nominating petition with the school District Clerk.  For the May 21, 2024 election, the nominating petition must be signed by at least 49 qualified school district voters (a qualified voter is a resident of the district qualified to vote, not necessarily registered). Each nominating petition must include the full name and residence of the candidate on each page before a qualified voter signs the petition.

Effective now, nominating petition packets are available as follows:  the packet may be 1) picked up at the District Administration Building, 100 Campus Drive, Port Washington, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., on weekdays that school is in session; 2) requested by contacting the school District Clerk by telephone (516-767-5012), or the school’s Deputy District Clerk by telephone (516-767-5002); or 3) requested by emailing the school District Clerk at [email protected], or the school’s Deputy District Clerk at [email protected].


Nominating Petition Filing Deadline

The deadline for filing the nominating petition for the school board election is 30 days before the election. Nominating petitions for the May 21, 2024 school board election must be filed in the school District Clerk’s office, 100 Campus Drive, Port Washington, no later than 5:00 p.m., April 22, 2024.


Reporting Campaign Expenses and Contributions

Candidates must keep a close eye on their campaign finances.  By state law, a candidate is required to file sworn statements disclosing both their campaign expenditures and contributions received.  Candidates whose campaign expenditures and/or contributions are between $0 to $500 are required to file a sworn statement with the school District Clerk.  Candidates are required by law to file an itemized sworn statement with the school District Clerk *and* with the New York State Commissioner of Education if 1) their total campaign expenditures exceed $500, or 2) their expenditures plus the expenditures of others on the candidate’s behalf made with the candidate’s approval exceed $500 (note: donors may make expenditures of up to $25 without the candidate’s permission if the donor files a sworn statement with the school District Clerk and the Commissioner of Education stating that the candidate did not approve the expenditure), or 3) their total campaign contributions received exceed $500.

Campaign expense/contribution statement forms are included in the nominating petition packet provided to candidates.  A candidate must file the appropriate sworn statement as follows: 1) 30 days before the date of the school board election, *and* 2) within five days before the school board election, *and* 3) within 20 days after the school board election.


School Board Member Qualifications

A Board of Education member:

  • Must be and have been a resident of the school district continuously for at least one year prior to the election;
  • Must be a qualified voter in the district (a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age, not adjudged to be incompetent);
  • May not be a current employee of the school district;
  • Must be able to read and write;
  • May not reside with another member of the same school board as a member of the same family;
  • May not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office according to state law;
  • Can not have been removed from any school district office in the preceding year;
  • Once elected, must complete 12 hours of state mandated training (six hours of fiscal accountability training and six hours of governance skills training) during their first year of service. This training is paid for by the school district.


New York State law does not allow school districts to impose any other eligibility requirements for school board members.


School Board of Education Responsibilities

State statutes define the powers and duties of school boards. Some of the basic responsibilities of the Board of Education include:

  • Hiring and annually evaluating the Superintendent.
  • Reviewing and adopting policies to be implemented by the Superintendent for the operation of the school.
  • Adopting an annual budget for presentation to voters.
  • Reviewing and approving financial reports of the school system.
  • Approving the hiring of personnel recommended by the Superintendent.
  • Ratifying collective bargaining agreements; responsible with the Superintendent for negotiating terms and conditions of employment as outlined in the Taylor Law.
  • Considering recommendations for building improvements and expansion, as well as determining the means for financing.
  • Deciding how school boundaries are drawn and whether schools are closed.


School Board Member Time Commitments

The Port Washington UFSD Board of Education conducts one to two regular business meetings per month, which usually include an Executive Session prior to the start of the regular business meeting, and sometimes immediately at the conclusion of a regular business meeting.  Special meetings may be scheduled in certain circumstances.  In addition, Board members are assigned to various committees that meet on a variable schedule; historically, each committee meets once a month during the school year.  Board members are responsible for coming to board meetings prepared to participate and having reviewed necessary materials.  Attending district events to support the school community is encouraged when possible.


School Board Member Compensation

School board members are not paid for their service; the time and commitment they provide is voluntary.


What if there are no candidates or not enough candidates?

The election is still held and the vacancies are filled by the individuals who receive the most write-in votes.


Why should I step forward?

Your local school board makes decisions that affect your children and your community. This could be your chance to weigh in and shape their future.

Additional information about school board service can be found on the New York State School Boards Association website at http://www.nyssba.org/experience