Common Core Learning Standards » Common Core Learning Standards - Web Resources

Common Core Learning Standards - Web Resources

CCLS ELA Resources


Academic Vocabulary List

A well-organized list.

Academic Vocabulary List

Categorized by subject.

Thinkfiinity State Standards Search Engine

Need help incorporating the Common Core Standards into your classroom activities?

Start with Thinkfinity’s State Standards Search Engine.  States that are in the process of adopting the Common Core Standards in Language Arts and Math can find those alignments by choosing their state’s name from the second state list in the pull-down menu. This filters for the specific alignments that will match their state’s version of the Common Core Standards.

Common Core Resources:"Steal These Tools"

 Free resources especially useful for implementing the Common Core in the current school year.

ELA Curriculum Map - High School

Students who have followed the Common Core Curriculum Maps through elementary and middle school will enter high school with a rich foundation in fiction, drama, poetry, mythology, and literary nonfiction from a variety of cultures. In addition, they have started reading literature closely with attention to specific elements and have considered parallels between literature and the arts. Having built a foundation in a range of skills and understandings, they will be prepared for the academic rigors of high school.


ELA Curriculum Map - Middle School

In grades 6 – 8, students are ready for new levels of intellectual challenge. If they have followed the Common Core Curriculum Maps up to this point, they should have a strong background in mythology, folktales, and fables from around the world; classic and contemporary fiction and poetry; and literary nonfiction related to historical and select scientific topics. They should be able to write a short paper in which they articulate a central idea and support it with examples from texts.


ELA Curriculum Map - Elementary School

When children enter elementary school, they are full of curiosity about the world around them. They want to know how things work, where things come from, what various words mean, and why people and animals in stories act the way they do. As they begin to recognize words and listen to stories with others at school, their curiosity builds, as does their knowledge.


Common Core Curriculum Maps - ELA

These sample lessons illustrate how to use one or more of the suggested texts to meet particular standards. In most cases the texts in the lessons are CCSS exemplar texts. The sample lessons also include an exemplar of a daily lesson plan detailing the objectives, required materials, step-by-step activities, and guidance for differentiated instruction.

Identifying the gaps in transitioning to a Common Core Curriculum.

This web page has many ideas for analyzing and identifying the the gaps between present curriculum and the Core Content Learning Standards.

New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards

This the New York State Education Department webpage with Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy and Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics, plus a new set of Prekindergarten Standards. Additional information about statewide implementation and the development of P-12 curriculum models will be posted to this website.

Exemplars from New York City Schools

An excellent collection of Common Core related student work. It includes literacy and math material from pre-Kindergarten through High School.